Photo by Eugenia Hembliuk
I help women step into their True, brilliant lives
by coming lovingly home to themselves, for now more than ever the world needs the immense power, love and nurturing of women.
I believe that everyone is meant to thrive, and that through listening to our True selves we are led to our best, very abundant lives. I believe we are meant to feel (mostly) good but that feelings are neither good nor bad, they are messages that need to be lovingly heard and processed. I believe all humans are innately powerful. We are meant to live in peace, in calm, in joy, in abundance, in creativity. I work holistically and use proven methods that are based in spiritual (though not religious), practical and scientific practices. Self love is the root of what I strive for and the core of what I teach. I believe in the restorative power of nature and our true place in it, as part of it, and that now, more than ever, we need to turn inward to find our way. We have all we need, we just need to learn to listen to ourselves.